About Us

Beyu, be yourself, enjoy yourself.

Hi! We are Beyu and we turn ancient and exotic South American ingredients into sea-salted and gluten-free crispy pleasures, as natural as they can get.
Our name is deeply rooted in indigenous tradition, it’s inspired by the Guarani language word Mbeyú, which refers to a starch cake prepared with one of the most ancient recipes of that culture, However, the fact that our name rhymes with such a statement as “be you” it’s not entirely coincidential, because we also want to encourage you to always stay true for what you stand, to always be yourself..
Our goal is to redefine your snacking experience through unique flavors that will cause you to feel things that you haven’t felt before. This is all possible thanks to our tropical ingredients, harvested by hand, preserving its original nutrients. Carefully crafted within its surroundings in order to capture its flavor and essence.
We bring to you from the Andean Highlands our delicious Ancient Root. Crunchy flakes crafted from a mixture of ingredients, harvested by hand, including cassava, beet, purple potato, and golden plantain. All of these carefully harvested in their natural surroundings, which can be found at around 9,000 feet above sea level, in order to preserve their original flavor and nutritional values.
Golden Plantain has the real flavor, color, and properties of a plantain. An exotic variety that grows in the tropical coasts of South America, where they are collected by agriculturists using ancient methods. These chips are 100% natural, made with hand-selected plantains without preservatives
One of the most iconic and unique plants in South America is the cassava plant, a true natural marvel. We have given it the name Yucca Crunch. Coming from the tropical region, cassava is a delicious tuber with a unique texture that seems to be custom made for enjoying without needing to refrigerate, healthy, gluten free, crunchy, and delicious.
Tostonbit is a delicious plantain that is harvested in South American coasts by local agricultures rooted deeply in their ancient traditions. Although it is famous for its yellow color, it can also be prepared while still green and unripe in order to reach higher levels of freshness and a more delicate, salty flavor.